Our aim is to create diversified portfolios that earn favorable investment returns while reducing volatility and risk according to the parameters of each client’s chosen investment model.
We work to achieve strong performance over multiple market cycles, relying on the application of a proven investment process that is consistently applied.
We adhere to an investment philosophy that values both vision and discipline and favors a buy and hold investment approach. We do not believe that long-term goals can be met by chasing short-term results. Instead, we focus on the larger picture while remaining mindful of the current environment.
Our Investment Philosophy
We build portfolios based on the science of capital markets using these academic investment principles.
Risk Management
Investors must take risk to generate returns. Deciding how much risk to take, which risks to take, and monitoring those risks is extremely important.
Broad Diversification
A plan that is strategically balanced among domestic and foreign stocks, bonds, cash, and other investments reduces the risk of drastic changes in the value of your investments while giving your portfolio ample opportunity for growth. Diversification can improve your odds of holding the best performers and frees you from the guessing game.
Tax Awareness
Taxes can take a big bite out of your investment returns. Effective asset location, tax-loss harvesting strategies and a low-turnover approach can help boost your bottom line and keep more of what you earn.
Cost Efficiency
Excessive fees can drag down investment growth over the long-term. Studies have shown that funds with lower fees have been better predictors of higher long-term returns than funds with higher fees or a fund-rating system.
“Taxes, fees and poor diversification can eat away at your returns. Far too many people ignore the impact these factors can have on investment growth. We don’t.”
— Steve Ankerstar
Founder of Ankerstar Wealth